Search Engine Optimization from Experts

SEO: Themes, Keywords, Synonyms

Digital X SEO

Digital X consistently delivers top Google rankings, measurable results, and excellent returns on investment for our clients. Our Frankfurt SEO company works to help you rank for the search phrases that matter to your business. These rankings directly contribute to high-quality traffic that turns into more leads and sales for your business.

SGE box (Search Generative Experience)

The integrated AI from Google can be operated via this box and is in direct competition with the FAQ snippets that are currently being displayed.

Only the best keyword rankings drive visitors

SEO – Search Engine Optimization – is a part of Online Marketing which can lead to the best results through unique methods. We have both, the knowledge and 15 years of experience to place your website ideally in the search engine index. We focus on natural and topic-oriented Linkmarketing. Blog-articles are edited from a journalistic view, every article is unique and has added value for the readers.
Innovation cycles in SEO are constantly shortening and transforming into distruptive innovation.

We optimize Online Shopsystems and Websites

Following shop systems can be supported by us regarding SEO:

  • Shopware
  • WooCommerce
  • Magento
  • Shopify

For all other systems, we offer an in-depth analysis, which enables us to estimate the potential and draw up an individual proposal for you!


Websites can be both, a simple web presence or a complex online portal. Besides plain-text programming (HTML, PHP, Java Script) we normally support following

Content Management Systems:

  • WordPress
  • Drupal
  • Contao
  • Typo3
  • Joomla
  • HTML/PHP Programmed

For all other Content Management Systems, we offer a detailed analysis and prepare an individual proposal for you!

So far we have been able to optimize every common system for search engines. Don’t hesitate to contact us for your free SEO request! Search Engine Optimization

5 Suggestions how to improve your visibility on Google in a simple way:

  • Use clean URLs, e.g.
  • Name your pictures descriptively, not only “picture1”, “picture2” and so forth. Pictures which show floor mats for a particular car should be named e.g. “Floor mats BMW Coupe”
  • Provide an optimal linking of your menu items.
  • Keywords are important, watch out to choose the right ones!
  • Keywords are important, but especially the amount is essential. Please avoid spam!

A very long time, it was the common focus of SEO to optimize keywords for top positions. This was supposed to bring users and traffic on your website. The results contributed to the image of the website owners and were a good reward for the SEO service provider. The search as well as the SERPs have been changing extremely the previous months.

It is not enough to obtain good keyword rankings, search has become highly personalized and thus it depends on the individual interests which websites are shown to the user in a particular sequence.

If somebody, who apparently is keen on old-timers, is searching for “Mustang”, the top positions for this person will mainly contain results with old Ford Mustangs. Somebody who has a thing for horses, will probably be shown search results of Mustang horses. That means the keyword rankings are still important but in the end the keyword spreading counts – that is the visibility of all keywords allocated over the first three pages, which contribute to the visibility of the overall website.

That means the cumulated visibility wins!

We have the knowledge as well as the experience, to place your website optimally in the search engine index. Initially you’ll get an in-depth analysis of your website for free. Thereby you know what’s your current status and what’s still possible in the future.

SEO Audit OnPage and OffPage

Through an SEO audit of your website you will learn how your website is set up on the subject of search engine marketing at the time of the audit. The audit includes a detailed technical on page evaluation. The following topics are evaluated in the SEO Audit OnPage:

  • indexing and cache
  • OnPage Check like Hx tags
  • Content
  • Site architecture
  • Internal linking
  • Status Codes and Redirects
  • page load time like LCP, FID, CLS
  • Largest Contentful Paint
  • First Input Delay
  • Cumulative Layout Shift
  • International orientation

In the SEO Audit OffPage section, your backlink structure is explained in detail. We find links that may harm your website, as well as backlinks that are very useful for your website.

It is evaluated in the SEO Audit OffPage:

  • domain-wide link risk
  • trustworthiness
  • link text
  • Link check priorities
  • Screening

Book a free analyse of your website.

Voice Search – especially for local companies

Not only the spread of mobile devices, like smartphones or the so-called phablets, have increased recently but, as a consequence, voice searches with iPhone’s Siri.


Contrary to the “OK Google” Search, Siri doesn’t show Google results. Apples voice search utilizes information of smaller search engines and Bing. So it necessary that websites aren’t only optimized for Google but for all other search engines as well. There are several services which help optimizing the voice search for iPhones.

In some cases, the entries are made by the service providers themselves. But that way there’s a lack of quality and thus it is not sufficient just to subscribe to these little search engines once. As with SEO, it is crucial to monitor, optimize and update the business data, otherwise you loose rankings and visibility or even worse – never get found by users. We would be pleased to give you a hand and prepare your business for the future of SEO.

RankBrain & Knowledge Base Trust

2016 is the year of artificial intelligence regarding search engines, more than ever before. The so called RankBrain enables search engines to know in advance what’s important in the moment that matters – even before the users themselves know what they’re up to. As an addition to the Hummingbird Update, the search engine number one in Germany is able to record those webpages, which deliver verified knowledge to Google. The advantage is obvious: the users get the information they need, (probably) before they were even asking for it.


The advantage is obvious: the users get the information they need, (probably) before they were even asking for it.

“The future of successful Google Rankings is based on websites with keyword-relevant, semantic Hummingbird content, enriched through high-quality information, backlinks and well-balanced linkjuice on every channel possible.”, says Joerg Stark, Owner of Online Digital X Agency, due to the changes in the field of Search Engine Optimization.

360 Degree Videos for SEO

Improve your website’s SEO and KPI values with 360-degree videos

In the area of search engine optimization, the 360 degree video has developed into a guarantee of success in just a few months. According to Google, 360-degree videos have significantly higher view-through rates (VTRs). This means that 360-degree videos are watched to the end much more often than conventional clips.

Higher click rates than videos with comparable content can be achieved anyway. The website integration of the videos no longer presents any problems, which in turn has a significant effect on the length of stay of the website visitors and thus ensures better SEO and KPI values. The video game industry will push 360 degree technology even further and make it an indispensable part of the media landscape and viewing habits. For online marketing, 360-degree videos can not only improve SEO, KPI and VTR values, they are also shared more frequently via the social media and thus spread faster. The advantages of 360 degree videos are obvious and excellent results can be achieved with little effort.

Spectators is kept on page by interaction video is shared more often because interesting.

Spectators are involved and become part of the experience or participate in shaping it themselves.

360 becomes unique through different perspectives and stimulates the desire to relive the content.


Penalty & Backlink Portfolio Check

Panda & Pinguin – the Google likes animals.

Got the blue letter by Google? Your backlinks got a penalty and you don’t know what to do? Then you’re right with us! We help you set up a reconsideration request and clean your backlink portfolio.

TOP 10 Ranking Factors for SEO

  • Number of Pluses Google & Facebook Shares
  • Number of Domain with largely matching LT Match
  • Quality of external links with partially coincident LT Match
  • Number of linked C-blocks on the page
  • Number of linked IP address on the page
  • Number of external links with anchor text partial match
  • Number of link domains on the page
  • Number of Facebook & Google Plus Comments
  • Authorship

Core Web Vital

Core Web Vitals

The so-called Core Web Vitals are important key figures that Google has to consider when evaluating a website.

LCP = Largest Contentful Paint

How quickly the graphics above the fold of a website are loaded from the user’s point of view.

CLS = Cumulative Layout Shift

The score shows how stable a web page behaves during layout construction.
According to Wrike, this score is calculated as follows: CLS Score = Impact Fraction * Distance Fraction

FID = First Input Delay

The time is measured until a first interaction can be successfully carried out on a web page. The time from a click on a menu item, for example, to the result, i.e. the loading of this menu item, the reaction of the website. Consequently, this also has something to do with the pagespeed.

Core Web Vitales in optimisation

Here are the first tips for better settings

  • Reduce website size
  • Check and streamline source code
  • Consider Google AMP

If you need more information, please feel free to contact us.

SEO Image optimisation

On 20.09.2018, a patent from Google (US20180267994) came into effect, which deals with images in the SERPs. The patent relates to contextual disambiguation queries, where a user can directly ask Google to provide them with real-time information about an image they are viewing. Disambiguation is about resolving ambiguities. These also exist in images when a meaning of the image cannot be precisely defined.

TOP 10 SEO Ranking factors for Online Shops

  • Names of video file containing relevant keywords
  • YouTube title containing relevant keywords
  • YouTube description containing relevant keywords
  • YouTube Tags = relevant keywords
  • Video-format HD, 16:9
  • Link popularity of the YouTube Channel
  • YouTube Channel reviews
  • Usage popularity of the YouTube Channel
  • Link popularity of the internal video page

Download Casestudy Searchengineoptimization (SEO)

How we start in the SEO?

  • Webpage Analyse
  • SEO Strategy
  • Tracking
  • Results
  • Which Tools we are using

Requests are welcome!