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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT write me a text over 1000 characters with the following keywords about this topic ….
I’ve already tried it out myself and it works very well, so there’s nothing standing in the way of mass-produced content for SEO, is there?
As always, the human being and his lack of knowledge may stand in the way of applying it correctly.

0. A robot or Artificial Intelligence (AI) must not harm humanity or, through inaction, allow harm to be done to humanity.

1. A robot or an Artificial Intelligence (AI) must not harm a human being or, through inaction, allow harm to be done to a human being.

2. A robot or Artificial Intelligence (AI) must obey the commands given to it by humans, unless this would violate the first commandment.

3. A robot or Artificial Intelligence (AI) must protect its own existence, as long as such protection does not violate the first or second commandment.

Adaptation by Isaac Asimov “the revised robotic laws”, changed by Jörg Stark, Frankfurt, 21.03.2023

We can advise you on the topic of Artificial Intelligence.