Display Advertising – Programmatic Buying – Intelligent customer approach

HTML5 Banner, Real Time Bidding, Programmtic Buying und Header Bidding

With display advertising (Banner), you have the opportunity to create a product or for your company awareness (attention).

About Real Time Bidding (RTB), you can use to work with Online Digital X. Currently hottest technology for banner advertising on the auction mode available We can log campaigns about Programmatic Buying of inventory banner worldwide with our specialty marketers.

Header Bidding is a technique of programmatic advertising, which describes the trading of ads automatically.

We can talk about the following Exchange Server to retrieve inventory and place your advertising worldwide


No matter which site you want to have your advertising, or you suspect your target audience, advertising can be placed there – at fair prices, target groups, AGOF tested.

5 Tips * for optimal banner campaigns:

  • Create optimal advertising medium, you attach importance to very good design.
  • Pick the sites on the net from where your ads will run. Take professional advice.
  • Let us negotiate with the marketers. Discounts we are happy to pass.
  • Use Geo Targeting and Retargeting to optimally pick up your customers.
  • Review your campaign with an appropriate tool, eg the Econda Site Monitor,

* Additional tips possibilities, please contact us on request.

Target Group More Traffic, geotargeting, retargeting and all the usual forms of advertising, such as HTML5 Banner are possible. We create an accurate media planning – also for the other channels we search marketing, search engine optimization and social media marketing.

Online Digital X – Adresse: Westhafenplatz 1 in 60327 Frankfurt, Germany
Phone: 0049/69/1753-611-90. Jörg Stark

Requests are welcome!